Live Scan Fingerprinting, What It Is, And How It Works
Live Scan FBI Fingerprinting is a service that allows you to submit your fingerprint instead of providing a photocopy or a digital scan. Live Scan FBI Fingerprinting can be completed at the FBI's facilities located near the end of their business day. What is Live Scan Fingerprinting? Live Scan fingerprinting is a process that uses the scanning of fingerprints to identify someone. The fingerprints are scanned onto a computer and then compared to the prints on file for that person. This process can be used to identify someone who has been arrested or is wanted by law enforcement. Types of Live Scans There are three types of live scans: an iris scan, a palm scan, and a facial scan. An iris scan is the most common type of live scan. It works by using flashes of light to capture your eyes' irises. A palm scan is similar to an iris scan, but it uses different light frequencies to capture your palm prints. A facial scan uses cameras that can see through skin and detect features on yo...